Pollster Rasmussen after Trump Iowa Caucus results: ‘Race is over’

Donald Trump, Jan. 11, 2023, New York City

Veteran Pollster Scott Rasmussen says the race for the 2024 Republican Presidential Nominee is “over” after Trump excelled polling, winning the Iowa Caucus by over 30 points from the second place, Governor Ron DeSantis. Rasmussen says “the race is over, you know, barring something cataclysmic health-wise or something that we can't imagine.” Remarking, from the results last night, “not only was it that, the former President topped 50%, but there was no clear second place, you know, if it had been Trump 40%, DeSantis 30%, Haley 20%, then I could say maybe something's going on here. But there was there's no clear second choice and a majority for the former president is huge.”

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