Rep. Biggs on spending crisis: DoD can’t account for 61% of assets during audit, Congress still gives more money

House Freedom Caucus chair Andy Biggs, R-Ariz.

Rep. Andy Biggs discusses the passage of the National Defense Authorization Act today by 219 Republicans to 210 Democrats, a move that is seen as a huge win by House Speaker Kevin McCarthy. Biggs comments that the spending crisis in this country is a huge problem, so much that “there's been a bipartisan statement from Joint Chiefs of Staff, and over the last 20 years that our biggest threat is our national debt.” The member of Freedom Caucus says, ultimately, the bottom line is this, there are no consequences. Why?  Because every time you fail an audit, [they] come back to Congress, and we give you even more money. And that's what this is about and then you throw in the woke programs that are DEI, ESG, paying for abortions, trans, kicking people out of the military because they didn't want the vaccine and then refusing to bring them back, and all those and the list goes on. And that's why this is so important.”

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