Rep. Chip Roy: Omnibus is funding same bureaucrats who target Americans, GOP voting against ‘will of the people’

Chip Roy, R-Texas, talks with Democratic Texas State Representative Senfronia Thompson

Rep. Chip Roy discusses Republicans selling out to pass the $1.7 trillion omnibus spending bill, with “raft of earmarks spending on all manners of woke garbage, including a $105,000 for a mentoring program for LGBTQ youth.” The Texas Congressman says that Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell is “an appropriator,” that has “never really cared about fiscal responsibility and making sure that we hold the line on spending.” Saying, so much of the money in this bill is going to fund agencies like the FBI or DHS, that have been highly politicized. Roy comments, “we’re funding the bureaucrats who are going after the American people in this bill that these Republicans are going to jam through and vote for, over the will of the American people.” 

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