Rep. Davidson on recent threats against, Elon Musk, Telegram founder underscores value of our First Amendment rights

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Representative Warren Davidson (R-OH) says our Bill of Rights is not a grant of rights but a limitation of government to take away our God-given rights, like free speech. “The reality is, most governments around the world aren’t good governments. They don’t defend freedom. They limit it,” he says. “And you look at the European Union sending threats to Elon Musk for having a televised interview with Donald Trump, how crazy is that. And now the CEO of a messaging platform, Telegram, lands his plane in France and he’s detained, he’s in jail right now because he’s allowing people to speak.”Additional interview with former U.S. Representative Ann Marie Buerkle on her suspicion Vice President Kamala Harris will make Medicare for All her ultimate goal if elected president in November.

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