Rep. Lance Gooden: Biden giving away US authority to WHO, allowing ‘coordination with Big Tech to fight disinformation’

World Health Organization headquarters

Congressman Lance Gooden (R-Tex.) raises the alarm on the Biden Administration’s proposal to the World Health Organization which would allow for the United States to be part of a “global surveillance system,” including a vaccine passport database and international contact tracing. In a letter written to the Health and Human Services Secretary Becerra, the Congressman and other fellow Members demand the “Biden Administration oppose any additional authority or resources for the World Health Organization that would compromise the sovereignty of the United States.”The Congressman comments its “very scary”, that the language of this proposal allows WHO to “dictate international travel protocols, and to coordinate with Big Tech to fight disinformation and potentially declare extensive lockdowns.” Saying, that the term “health emergency” is so broad that it can be interpreted to declare almost anything a health emergency, that there is “language” in the actual proposal giving the World Health Organization the “capacity to counter a pandemic of misinformation.” Saying, “Biden's not limiting free speech just in this country, he wants to do it globally.”

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