Rep. Scott Perry on Hunter Biden ‘illusion of access’: Who would give $20M without ‘results?’

Joe Biden with his son Hunter

Rep. Scott Perry dispels liberal talking point that Hunter Biden sold the Biden name but it was more of a ‘illusion of access’ to his father Joe Biden. The Chairman of the House Freedom Caucus says, Burisma and Hunter Biden business associates “did have access,” and this is known because Joe Biden, then-Vice President “made calls into board meetings and so that was more than just the illusion.” Perry says even if conservatives played along with the Democrat’s assertion that the access that Hunter Biden was selling was an “illusion,” then are the Democrats “willing to be prosecuting the Biden family for fraud?” The Pennsylvania Congressman going on to say, “but there's no doubt that that somebody thought that they were paying for, for something, whether it was illusion, or the actual access, but we know it's at least $20 million. And I would just hasten to say that I doubt that people that have $20 million in disposable income to spend to influence folks are going to are going to just throw that away on an illusion, I think that they feel they actually got tangible results.”

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