Rep. Scott Perry on Hunter’s $250K Chinese loan: Pattern of Biden’s receiving loans with no pay backs, ‘not a loan’ just payment

Joe Biden with his son Hunter

Rep. Scott Perry on recent unearthing of a $250,000 loan to Hunter Biden from a Chinese national. Perry says he has always wondered, “what service or what product were the Biden’s providing?” Saying, they got a lot of money, they got it from foreign entities or individuals, but what service were they providing.” While that question has been left largely unanswered, the Pennsylvania Congressman says that, the question has now also become, “do they ever pay any of their loans back? Who would loan somebody money because we've got bank records, we don't see any of these loans being repaid. So who loans somebody money with the thought of never being repaid?” He says, “What if your employer tried to say, ‘look, I'm not going to give you a paycheck, I'm just going to loan you this money, and that way I never have to pay taxes, you don't have to pay taxes,’ If your employer can't do that because it's illegal. Why can these people do that? Well, let's face it, they can't do that because it's illegal.” Perry says that there “seems to be a pattern here of loaning money to the Biden's and and never expecting repayment. Well, that's not really a loan, that's just paying, and what is it paying for? It's a circular kind of conversation that leads to, I think the only thing, which you already know is, they’re selling influence and that's why you don't see a product, there isn't any loan going on here, they’re just selling the access and the influence, and this is the payment for it, and they don't want to pay taxes on it, that’s why they call it a loan.”

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