Rep. Steil: Biden labor, energy policies ‘culprits’ for bank woes, Dems ‘drunken sailor’ spending led to record inflation

President Biden in California

Rep. Bryan Steil slams Biden over his administration’s policies being the “culprit”, main contributor to economic instability leading to the recent bank failures. The Chairman of the House Financial Services Committee comments on recent remarks that there's a direct connection between Joe Biden's spending driving up inflation and interest rates with it and lead to the bank failures, saying “Sure, we had bad management of banks, we had a handful of other things, all of that needs to be investigated. Absolutely. But if we step back and look and say what's causing this underlying instability across our economy it is roaring inflation.” The Wisconsin Congressman explains that “the culprit of this worrying inflation, it was one party democratic control that spent like drunken sailors. It's mismatched energy policy, where the Biden administration wants to have a war on energy, and his labor policies allow far too many people to find themselves on the sidelines than back to work.” Steil says the the answer is, “you got to unwind those policies, you got to control reckless spending, you got to unleash American energy and you got to help workers get back to work. But this administration, the Biden administration, just put forward their budget, it does the opposite. It's more tax and spend, it's going to drive inflation higher, and it's going to prevent people from getting back to work.” Saying, “this is the challenge in front of us, is forcing the president to come to the table, in particular during the period of time of the debt ceiling debate, to actually put the policies in place to slow inflation. Because at the end of the day, that's the cause of the economic instability and that's the cause of the pain of so many families across our country.”

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