Rep. Andy Biggs says McCarthy speakership much like his debt ceiling deal: Alienating parts of GOP to bring in Dems


Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs slams McCarthy’s debt ceiling deal citing, “more Democrats voted for it than Republicans,” showing warning signs of Speaker McCarthy’s honeymooning period ending. Biggs comments that in fielding calls from constituents, 99% of the calls in the days leading up to the debt ceiling vote, were to “vote no on the debt ceiling”, and “to remove Kevin McCarthy as Speaker.” The Freedom Caucus member says that it is unsure of what will happen next, but says he is “concerned about the new coalition that [he] sees coming together, and it isn't one that brings in all of the Republican families in the conference. It's one where you’re instead going to shut out some people and replace them with Democrats.” He says this is evidenced by the votes in the debt ceiling bill which “had more Democrats vote for this than Republicans, and that's after [Republicans] were told there was not a single thing in there for for Democrats.”

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