Speaker McCarthy slams Jan. 6 Dem investigators as evidence clears smeared GOP lawmaker: ‘Why I'm all about transparency’

Kevin McCarthy, Feb. 6, 2023, Washington, D.C.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, in an exclusive sit-down interview, discusses releasing over 40,000 hours of tapes from January 6th, and how the Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee “knew” the allegations they made last spring against Congressman Barry Loudermilk were false even before they presented them. The Speaker comments, "This is really why I'm all about transparency," and why "I'm trying to put everything out. Because everything I look at what the Jan. 6 committee did, they tried to put it in a scope of their own eyes, their own view where they wouldn't even let Republicans on the committee.” Saying, "Then they tried to blame Barry Loudermilk for something he didn't do, because Republicans weren't on the committee. But we proved that it's not true. They said he led a tour over in the Capitol. He never went in the Capitol the day before." McCarthy going on to say that Democrat-led Jan. 6 committee “knew” the allegations they were putting forth was not true before they presented it. Explaining, "I know they knew. And the one thing after they made that accusation we had [recently retired Rep.] Rodney Davis go out and show the tape, and even the Capitol Police came forward to the Sergeant at Arms and said this isn't true. Why didn't they recant that? ... They told them ahead of time.”

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