Top GOP congressional candidate in Georgia urges return to paper ballots

Voting machine, Lauderhill, Florida, November 11, 2018.

Mike Collins, candidate in Georgia’s 10th Congressional District, gives his insight on government regulations and his thoughts on the upcoming 2022 primary elections, saying that Georgia needs to return to paper ballots and ‘do away with Dominion machines all together.'  He said that once ‘you lose the trust and the confidence of the people that are going to use them, then then it's time to change’. The candidate remarks that President Joe Biden’s recent approval ratings are not surprising, considering ‘everything is skyrocketing due to the fact that that a that they have spent so much money and printed so much money, that today's dollar is only worth 60 cents as to what it was in 2000’. Collins comments that Joe Biden is just ‘turning everything’ over to the bureaucrats, which is ‘one of the big reasons that people are so fed up with Washington and the swamp up there is the bureaucrats that are running this show.’

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