Trump MidEast adviser says Americans were duped into thinking $6B to Iran was for hostages but really for Nuclear Deal

Iranian President Hassan Rouhani

Walid Phares, former Trump Middle East adviser discusses the unusual nature of the $6 Billion payment to Iran for release of American hostages and the huge departure from American foreign policy precedent. Commenting, that while swapping of prisoners or hostages from the respective countries is very common and has been the modus operandi for the last 50 years, the giving of large amount of money for hostages is “not normal”. Phares says, that from the outside is seems that there is something going on behind the scenes, that the $6 billion payment to Iran was “presented to the American public as ‘oh, this is a return of American hostages,’ but what [the U.S.] are trying to do or are doing now at this point in time is executing the Iran Deal.” Saying, “why would an American administration send that much money if it's not a real part of the exchange of prisoners? Because somewhere there are pressure groups here in the West, and the United States who would be profiting, you know, when you send $6 billion to a regime, what do you expect? We know that there will be some return to some interest groups? And that's what worries me the most.”

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