Trump Pollster says GOP needs to change mind on mail-in ballots or lose

Ballot drop box, Pennsylvania

John McLaughlin, long-time pollster for Donald Trump, discusses Trump 2024 and the midterms. McLaughlin comments that the Republican establishment has to acknowledge that if absentee ballots are legal, Republicans need to be utilizing it. McLaughlin comments Republicans have “to change, otherwise, you won't win elections, and it has to change in a positive way.” Saying, that during the 2020 election and COVID, this was “uncharted territory,” but steps like securing drop boxes, “like they have in Florida, where only one person can drop in a ballot, not somebody coming multiple times and dropping in ballots where they're harvesting ballots, that goes on in many States right now.” He also says the need for “voter ID for in-person voting and for absentees, like in Georgia.” Commenting that many pushed back against this type of election law, saying it would suppress voter turnout, this was dispelled last week in Georgia which saw record turnout for voting, despite the required voter ID. 


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