Tuberville pushes back against Dems, says acting commandant told him Marines just fine without leader

Tommy Tuberville

Sen. Tommy Tuberville pushes back against Democrats criticisms of his blocking of military nominations saying he is standing by his principles, and “fighting for the taxpayers of this country and 60% of the people in this country are against taxpayer money going to abortion.” The U.S. Senator from Alabama says “the American people need to have a say about this,” and accuses Democrats of trying to bypass the will of the people. Commenting, “we don't need dictatorship in the White House, and they are becoming dictators. The next thing they're gonna do, if we allow this to happen, they might say, we're only going to allow churches to be open one day a month. We can't allow them to start doing the laws, and delegating authority from the White House and the E-Ring of the Pentagon.”

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