Trump encourages voters to write on receipts 'no tax on tips' when they go out to eat

Other individuals have been jumping on the trend and posting pictures of their receipts after going out to restaurants. 

Published: June 15, 2024 11:32am

Former President Donald Trump encouraged supporters during a rally to write on receipts when they go out to eat, "Vote for Trump because there's no tax on tips."

The 45th president made remarks during a rally in Florida and told supporters to spread the word that if he is elected the next president, tips would not be taxed. 

"No tax on tips," Trump said during his Palm Beach rally. "It's done.....and we need to spread the word so that every time you leave a tip for the next five months you put on the receipt, 'vote for Trump because there's no tax on tips.'"

This trend was picked up by Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga.

"I absolutely LOVE President Trump’s plan for NO TAX ON TIPS!!" Greene wrote on the social media platform, X. "Write it on every receipt you sign!"

Other individuals have been jumping on the trend and posting pictures of their receipts after going out to restaurants. 

"I’ve seen this trend and I think we all should do it in swing states," one user on X wrote. "My waiter got a $100 tip tonight so he can realize that Trump is proposing NO TAX ON TIPS! He won’t be forgetting that tip when it comes time to vote."

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