Trump's attorney calls out Swalwell's usage of 'cavalry' not 'Calvary,' says he altered evidence

Swalwell's error was reported first by Just the News.

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Published: February 12, 2021 12:50pm

Updated: February 12, 2021 3:59pm

During the fourth day of the second impeachment trial of former President Trump, a member of his defense team, David Schoen, made the case that the impeachment managers consistently altered pieces of evidence they used over the course of the week. 

One compelling piece of evidence offered by Schoen was a reference impeachment manager Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) made to a tweet sent days before the Capitol breach, in which the congressman claimed that a woman named Jennifer Lynn Lawrence wrote, "We are bringing the cavalry," implying that Trump supporters would be showing up armed and possibly on horseback on Jan. 6 in the nation's capital. 

However, it has since been made clear that Swalwell misread, misunderstood, and possibly altered the statement in question.

What Lawrence's tweet stated was: "We are bringing the Calvary," a reference not to an armed militia, but to a representation of the crucifixion of Jesus, a symbol of peace and love in the Christian faith. 

Lawrence has since called Swalwell's presentation "false misleading evidence," writing that he "changed both the appearance and meaning of one [of her] Tweets during testimony on Wednesday." 

Furthermore, Schoen offered evidence suggesting that someone on the impeachment team altered screenshots of Lawrence's tweets to place a verified blue check mark next to her name, when in fact, she does not possess one.

He also displayed a picture from the New York Times in which Democratic Rep. Jamie Raskin, the lead impeachment manager, peering at what appears to be a photoshopped image on his screen of Lawrence's tweets. The dates on the tweets that appears on Raskin's monitor are marked January 3, 2020, not January 3, 2021. 

Just the News reported Thursday on Swalwell's blunder.

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Rep. Eric Swalwell was wrong: It’s ‘Calvary,’ not ‘cavalry’
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