Dem Rep. Swalwell fumes at GOP lawmaker over remarks on alleged affair with Chinese spy

"You do not get to say that s--t," he said.

Published: April 26, 2023 9:05pm

Democratic California Rep. Eric Swalwell on Wednesday fumed at a Republican colleague over remarks referencing his alleged relationship with a suspected Chinese spy.

During a hearing of the Judiciary Subcommittee on Immigration Integrity, Security and Enforcement, Texas Republican Rep. Troy Nehls apologized to Sheena Rodriguez, a border security advocate who testified before the subcommittee, after Swalwell spent his time asking about her presence at the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.

Nehls attempted to redirect the conversation back toward the southern border, saying "I apologize that you had to... you're here for a hearing on the border, they don’t want to talk about a border." He did, however, appear to jab at the California lawmaker with a subsequent remark.

"Mr. Swalwell is down there, obviously everyone knows he's made some comments. He’s got a checkered past. His alleged relationship--" he said before Swalwell cut him off, saying "I'm sorry, a checkered past?"

Nehls brushed past Swalwell's objection.

"It's my time! Alleged affairs – relationship – with Yum-Yum," he went on, in an apparent reference to Christine Fang, aka Fang Fang, a suspected Chinese agent.

The remarks drew ire from Swalwell, who again interrupted, shouting "No, no, no, no, no! You do not get to say that shit. That’s not true."

Nehls was undeterred and repeated the allegation. "He had alleged relationships with Yum-Yum... and now he's angry."

Democrats demanded that his words be "taken down," which prompted the chairman to call a recess.

The Texas lawmaker's remarks follow comparable statements from Georgia Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, who earlier this month, said Swalwell "had a sexual relationship with a Chinese spy and everyone knows it."

Ben Whedon is an editor and reporter for Just the News. Follow him on Twitter.

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