Lawsuit filed in Michigan alleges ‘massive fraud’ in the election

A lawsuit has been filed in Wayne County (Detroit) seeking to void the election there.

Published: November 13, 2020 10:42pm

Updated: November 13, 2020 11:12pm

A lawsuit has been filed in Wayne County Circuit Court in Michigan, alleging “massive fraud in the election vote-counting procedures” during the Nov. 3 nationwide election. 

Wayne County is the largest county in Michigan, with Detroit as the county seat. The population is nearly two million people. 

The suit was brought by the Great Lakes Justice Center (GLJC) on behalf of two Wayne County residents who served as poll challengers and who voted in the election. They have marshalled a large amount of evidence in the form of affidavits from people who, like themselves, personally witnessed fraud and deception, and have come forth with their testimony risking perjury charges if they can be proven to be lying.  

They are charging violations of statutory election laws and of their rights to “election accuracy and integrity,” to a “fraud-free election,” and to their constitutional rights to equal protection.  

Among the allegations by the plaintiffs, as cited in the press release the GLJC put out along with copies of the complaint and the motion for a temporary restraining order (TRO): 

  • Ballots were counted even though the voter’s name did not appear in the official voter rolls. 
  • Election workers were ordered to not verify voters’ signatures on absentee ballots, to backdate absentee ballots, and to process such ballots regardless of their validity.
  • Election workers processed ballots that appeared after the election deadline and falsely reported that those ballots had been received prior to November 3, 2020 deadline.
  • Defendants used false information to process ballots, such as using incorrect or false birthdays. Many times, the election workers inserted new names into the QVF and recorded these new voters as having a birthdate of 1/1/1900.
  • Defendants coached voters to vote for Joe Biden and the Democrat party. Election workers would go to the voting booths with voters to watch them vote and coach them for whom to vote. 
  • Unsecured ballots arrived at the TCF Center loading garage, not in sealed ballot boxes, without any chain of custody, and without envelopes. 
  • Defendants refused to record challenges to their processes and removed challengers from the site if they politely voiced a challenge. 

David A. Kallman, Senior Counsel with the GLJC, stated, “This type of widespread fraud in the counting and processing of voter ballots cannot be allowed to stand. Michigan citizens are entitled to know that their elections are conducted in a fair and legal manner and that every legal vote is properly counted. Such rampant fraud cannot be undone. We ask the Court to enjoin the certification of this fraudulent election, void the election, and order a new vote in Wayne County.”

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