New Jersey judge rules 1,900 mail-in ballots that were opened early have to be counted

“Admittedly what happened this election was sloppy,” the judge said.

Published: June 8, 2024 4:57pm

A judge in New Jersey ruled that about 1,900 mail-in ballots that were prematurely opened have to be counted and accepted in Atlantic County. 

Superior Court Judge Michael J. Blee ruled Friday that the prematurely opened ballots will be counted in the county's primary race. This decision could determine the outcome of the state’s 2nd Congressional District Democratic primary.

Unofficial results show that businessman Joe Salerno is leading his opponent Tim Alexander, according to The Associated Press. 

The court listened to testimony from election officials who said the ballots were not removed or tampered with. As of now it isn't clear why the ballots were opened early.

One official testified that there was chaos with too many workers sorting ballots, leading to disorganization.

“Admittedly what happened this election was sloppy,” Blee said, according to the outlet. “It was an inadvertent error. It was an inexcusable error.”

As of now it is unclear when results will come in for the primary.

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