New report adds to warnings Biden's green energy push heightens national security concerns

Biden has vowed to 'eliminate' fossil fuels at any cost.

Published: April 10, 2023 12:33pm

Updated: April 10, 2023 12:33pm

A new report published by the Institute for Energy Research is the latest in a series of warnings that President Joe Biden’s green energy policies put America’s national security in "real jeopardy."

The reported published last week argues Biden’s push the U.S. away from fossil fuels and toward so-called renewable energy makes the country “far more dependent” on imports from China than it’s ever been on the Middle East for oil imports. 

America's dependence is in large part the result of China have much of the rare earth metals and other mined elements such as cobalt and lithium 

"Therein lies the danger," the report reads. "The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) controls almost the entire global supply chain."

In addition, the report states, the People’s Republic of China not only has a monopoly on the mineral elements Biden wants, but the Communist country also “either directly owns or in some way controls” the majority of the mines that produce the elements.

And China is one of the only nations capable of processing rare earth elements on an industrial scale.

The report follows Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, a top-Democrat party donor, saying days earlier that Biden’s green push "could eventually imperil national security by disrupting our access to these products and materials."

Victoria Coates, formerly a top official in the National Security Counsel and senior adviser in the Energy Department, responded to the IER report echoing such concerns. And she argued Biden had a choice between "imposing a radical climate agenda on America" and protecting the American people from a dangerous dependency on China."

"He chose the climate agenda and we will now all have to live with the fallout," she concluded in a tweet. 

Since his inauguration, Biden has made clear his goal of a “net-zero emissions economy by no later than 2050."

On the 2020 campaign trail, Biden said fossil fuels and fracking would be "eliminated" under his administration.

In March, House Republicans voted to pass H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act that would provide Americans relief from soaring energy prices and lower emissions simultaneously.

Biden has indicated he will the veto the bill. But House Speaker Kevin McCarthy recently told Just The News' John Solomon "that's the same thing he said when we weren't going to let D.C. decriminalize carjacking and murders."

The California Republican also said about the vowed Biden veto: "I think if the American public ... joins with us, calls their members and calls their senators, he might change his mind.

Center for National Interest's Vice President George Beebe said recently on the "Just The News, No Noise" TV show that treating China either as a friend or an enemy each brings it own perils.

Treating China as a friend, Beebe said, results in the U.S. being "taken advantage of" and having to sacrifice American national interests." At the same time, he continued, treating China as an enemy could result in having to "go to war" with the country.

Beebe says America must devise a "diplomatic management strategy" that "does not rely solely on coercion in order to deal with the Chinese challenge to American national interests."

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