MTG slams Speaker Johnson, GOP leaders on spending and J6: 'Honeymoon period has worn off'

"I'm purely disgusted with my own conference and I'm sick and tired of all the talk and no action. I think it's pitiful," Greene told the John Solomon Reports podcast. 

Published: December 5, 2023 4:07pm

Updated: December 5, 2023 4:21pm

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., slammed House Speaker Mike Johnson and GOP leadership in an interview Tuesday with Just the News, declaring she was fed up with "all the talk and no action" when it comes to cutting spending, shrinking government or getting the truth about the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

"We have a new speaker, Mike Johnson, and the honeymoon period has worn off," Greene said  on the John Solomon Reports podcast, saying she was fearful the new speaker might resort to funding government for a whole year through another temporary spending bill known as a Continuing Resolution or CR.

"He's already passed the clean CR that has two parts to it," she said. "He's already talking about doing another one year CR and not mentioning what that would involve."

Greene repeatedly lambasted her GOP colleagues in the House and Senate, suggesting Americans are growing frustrated between the gap in what they've promised versus what they have delivered. She noted the House had passed only seven of the 12 spending bills and the new 2024 fiscal year has started, and the Senate had passed none.

"I'm purely disgusted with my own conference and I'm sick and tired of all the talk and no action. I think it's pitiful," she said. 

She said she is frustrated by the lack of progress outside of reducing spending and the size of government, saying Republicans underestimate the tactics, tenacity and intentions of Democrats.

"If they could, they would put President Trump in jail for the rest of his life until he's dead and his family and take away all their assets ... and anybody that has truly supported him and worked for him," Greene said. "That's where the Democrat Party is. I'm disgusted with Republicans that either refuse to acknowledge all of that or just completely fail every single day because they serve the lobbyists and the special interest [groups] in order to fill their campaign accounts to get reelected every two years."

Greene called on House Republicans to pass a very limited spending bill that would fund only basics in 2024, such as the the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) and put the pressure on the Senate, sending a message that the GOP would not waver on spending. 

She said that she also asked Johnson when there was going to be an investigation into the Jan. 6 committee, arguing there needed to be some justice for the defendants. 

"Republicans in Congress are doing nothing ... absolutely nothing to stop the Department of Justice from politically persecuting Americans that supported Trump on January 6, and walked through open doors or maybe didn't even walk inside the Capitol at all," Greene said. 

She also criticized the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic, saying that it is doing nothing to investigate vaccine injuries and how the CDC is recommending babies get it. 

"I served with a lot of doctors on the committee that constantly argue with me that are not interested in investigating the vaccines," she said. So I've been holding those hearings on my own because it's such an important issue to the American people."

"The CDC is recommending to give the COVID-19 vaccines to children and babies, even though there is tremendous evidence of myocarditis, even infants. There's also tremendous effects on women's menstrual cycles. But our COVID committee is not investigating any of that, and I think it's imperative that we do it," Greene concluded.

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