Net migration largest driver of U.S. population growth: Census Bureau

All 50 states witnessed a net increase in population from net international migration.

Published: December 27, 2022 3:06pm

Updated: December 27, 2022 3:51pm

U.S. population growth has rebounded following a considerable dip during the COVID-19 pandemic period, driven overwhelmingly by net migration, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau.

The resident population grew by 1,256,003 during 2022, for a 0.4% increase, and now stands at 333,287,557 based on figures published Tuesday. Of that total, net migration resulted in an additional 1,010,923 people living in the U.S. while net natural growth (births minus deaths) contributed a mere 245,080.

By contrast, 2021 migration brought in a net 376,029 people, during a period in which COVID-19 enforcement measures were in place. Among them, Title 42, is set to soon expire. That rule allowed border officials to speedily deport any immigrants hailing from countries known to host a communicable disease.

The South and West were the only areas to experience population growth, while the Midwest and Northeast suffered considerable declines, largely due to internal migration.

All 50 states, however, witnessed a net increase in population from net international migration, though significant domestic migration offset that to produce an overall decline in several regions.

The data comes at a time the Biden administration faces intense scrutiny over its handling of the migration surge at the southern border. During fiscal year 2022, an estimated 2.4 million illegals entered the country, with roughly 4 million doing so since President Joe Biden took office.

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