Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Carrie Sheffield signs off from Just the News a.m.

On the February 26, 2021 episode of Just the News with Carrie Sheffield:


Segment 1 - Bruce LeVell, Trump Surrogate - $15/hr ruled out of order for Senate reconciliation


Segment 2 - Bruce LeVell, Trump Surrogate - Mitch McConnell says he would support Trump as 2024 nominee


Segment 3 - Paris Dennard, Spokesman, RNC - GOP pushing for further inroads into minority communities


Segment 4 - Angela Morabito, Fellow, Campus Reform - "Student Loan forgiveness" just pushes debt to nation


Segment 5 - Amanda Head, Correspondent, Real America's Voice - live CPAC update 


Segment 6 - Carrie Sheffield signs off from Just the News a.m.