Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: From Big Tech to Financial Services conservatives fight "cancel culture"

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: President Biden's racist comments explain away as 'gaffes'

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Congressman Jerry Carl (R-AL) "I want answers about January 6th"

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Acquitted a second time, Trump claims party is still his

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Cancel culture has reached Congress - what's next?

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Democrats try emotion effort to convict Donald Trump

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Trump lawyers start slowly on day 1 of trial

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Questions arise whether President Biden's polices help or harm national security

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Tom Brady wins again / Coming together or falling apart, where is the GOP

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Democrats force budget passage filled with spending waste

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: Rep. Liz Cheney survives as Chair of House GOP Conference

Just the News a.m. with Sophie Mann

WATCH: GOP concerned that Biden Executive Orders hurt US National Security

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