The Water Cooler with David Brody

JUST IN: Health Care Day under the Biden Administration sparks a lot of questions regarding Biden's Catholic faith

In the January 28, 2021 Episode 13 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Former Pelosi Top Aide: if GOP doesn't cooperate, Budget Reconciliation makes sense.

Segment #2: Congressman Ron Estes (R-KS) introduces the Protecting Individuals with Down Syndrome Act

Segment #3: Jenna Ellis on Biden's Abortion Executive Order: "I think that Joe Biden is showing that he's really not a genuine Catholic." 

Segment #4: Pastor Brian Gibson: "Under the Biden administration, your hard earned tax dollars will now be funneled around the nation to slaughter innocent."

Segment #5: Last Sip: Are Elephants Fat? New study says otherwise

Segment #6: Nicholas Ballasy, Just The News Sr. Correspondent, breaks down his latest JustTheNews headline: "Pelosi: We will pass COVID stimulus spending using reconciliation 'if needed'".