The Water Cooler with David Brody

MUST SEE: Mike Pompeo says 'ample evidence' suggests the virus originated in the Wuhan lab

In the March 3, 2021 Episode 37 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:


Segment #1: Mike Pompeo, former Secretary of State under the Trump administration, contrasts the Biden administration's foreign policy towards the Middle East with his predecessor's.


Segment #2: Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo says it's, 'head-scratching" for any Republican to come out against President Donald Trump. 


Segment #3: Executive Director of the ACLJ Jordan Sekulow on the Democrats attempt to change the election voting process with H.R.1.


Segment #4: War Room Editor-In-Chief, Liz Harrington on Governor Andrew Cuomo's sexual assault allegations and COVID nursing home scandal. 


Segment #5: The Last Sip: Mike Pompeo makes waves at CPAC.


Segment #6: Sophie Mann, Host Of Just The News A.M. On Governor Cuomo’s Press Briefing today.