The Water Cooler with David Brody

Russ Vought: Mass Shootings Show The, "Despair In The Modern World."

In the March 23, 2021 Episode 51 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:


Segment #1: Former OMB Director, Russ Vought, says mass shootings show that "...there is an angst and there is despair in the modern world."


Segment #2: Executive Director of the ACLJ, Jordan Sekulow, discusses the border crisis and how border smugglers are making out very well financially. 


Segment #3: Real America's Voice Correspondent, Jessica Rivera, joins David Brody outside the site of yesterday's mass shooting in Boulder, Colorado.


Segment #4: Founder of, Rick Green, delivers powerful remarks following yesterday's deadly shooting in Boulder, Colorado. 


Segment #5:  Not only is Anthony Fauci a doctor, he's now the main character of a new children's book. David Brody gives his take.


Segment #6: Real America's Voice Correspondent Anna Perez: Reparations Alive and Well in Illinois.


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