The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Biden Speech to Congress, wrong message to USA?

In the April 29, 2021 Episode 78 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Jordan Sekulow, the Executive Director of the ACLJ talks about President Biden's speech. It was out of touch with state of the USA.

Segment #2: Dr. Kelli Ward, Arizona GOP Chairwoman gives an Arizona audit update, and breaks down how Biden got it wrong on national support for HR1.

Segment #3: Watch RAV's Amanda Head and Ben Bergquam are LIVE from our Southern Border, and we see an apprehension live. 

Segment #4: Pastor Brian Gibson, Founder of Peaceably Gather talks about how Senator Scott's rebuttal hit points Biden's speech missed.

Segment #5: The Last Sip: President Biden stumbles through hour long speech with no unifying message.

Segment #6: Joe Weber, JTN News Editor - USPS is conducting a covert operation spying on your social media habits