The Water Cooler with David Brody


In the March 16, 2021 Episode 46 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:


Segment #1: Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-G.A.) is back on "The Water Cooler" and talks about her new Border Security Bill called, "Protect America First Act", in an effort to put an end to Biden's Immigration Crisis. 


Segment #2:  Former Acting Deputy Secretary for the Department of Homeland Security for President Trump, Ken Cuccinelli, shares his perspective on the Biden Administration's Immigration Crisis. He says, "it's easy to tear down, it is hard to build."


Segment #3: Executive Editor and Washington Bureau Chief of EWTN News, Dr. Matthew Bunson, on the Vatican's refusal to bless "same sex-unions" in the Catholic Church, and Biden's promotion of "Aggressive Gender Ideology" under both his current Administration and back during the Obama Administration.


Segment #4: All Israel News, Editor-In-Chief, and New York Times Best Selling Author, Joel Rosenberg, says Netanyahu, "cannot seem to form a stable government," and as a result, "his support is eroding." 


Segment #5: The Last Sip: Biden's Mental Health


Segment #6: Real America’s Voice Correspondent, Anna Perez, makes her Water Cooler Debut talking about whether or not illegal immigrants should be Eligible for Student Aid.


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