The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Former CNN Analyst Rick Santorum: Donald Trump changed CNN

In the June 1, 2021 Episode 100 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Former U.S. Senator and Former CNN Analyst Rick Santorum joins David Brody to discuss his removal from CNN. "I did not say controversial things about Native Americans, people took what I said out of context and made them into a controversy."

Segment #2: Eric Metaxas talks to David Brody about outstanding questions that still require answers from the 2020 Election. "Based on what I have seen, it seems clear to me that Biden was not elected."

Segment #3: Inside Elections Editor Nathan Gonzales talks to David Brody about the role Donald Trump will play in the upcoming 2022 Midterm Elections.

Segment #4: Dr. Nan Hayworth Former U.S. Congresswoman (R-N.Y.) Dr. Nan Hayworth talks to David Brody about what BLM really represents. 

Segment #5: The Last Sip: Biden's Latest Stumble: Life, Liberty, etc.

Segment #6: Real America's Voice Correspondent, Anna Perez:  P.A. Democrat running for U.S. Senate Gets Caught in False Claim on abortion bill.