The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Former DHS Dep. Secretary, on Biden's Immigration Agenda: "They want the invasion."

In the June 24, 2021, Episode 117 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody: 

Segment 1: Former DHS Official under Trump, Ken Cuccinelli, on the Biden Administration's Border Agenda: “They want an invasion.”  

Segment 2: Policy Analyst with the Heritage Foundation, David Ditch, talks to David Brody about the Bi-Partisian deal struck on the Infrastructure Bill.

Segment 3: Meridian Baldacci, Policy and Communications Strategist at Family Policy Alliance, talks with David Brody about the Department of Education, under the Biden Administration, expanding sex-based discrimination protections defined under Title IX to include transgender students. 

Segment 4: Pastor Brian Gibson, Founder of Peaceably Gather, talks with David Brody about the latest polling on Religious Freedom in America. 

Segment 5: The Last Sip: Are you Persuaded to Get the Vaccine After Watching This?

Segment 6: Host of The Water Cooler, David Brody, discusses Congresswoman Lauren Boebert's Resolution to Censure President Biden.