The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Former Trump OMB Director Russ Vought on Biden's Budget Proposal

In the May 28, 2021 Episode 99 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: President of the Center for Renewing America and Former OMB Director for President Trump, Russ Vought talks to David Brody about President Biden's Budget Proposal he revealed earlier today. 

Segment #2: Dean of the School of Business at Liberty University, Dr. Dave Brat, on the Republicans Infrastructure Counter Proposal.

Segment #3: Heather Mullins, Real America's Voice Correspondent, joins us from Atlanta, Georgia where she will be covering the Fulton County 2020 Election Audit.

Segment #4: Taya Kyle, The Widow of Chris Kyle from "American Sniper" teamed up with Entrepreneur and Journalist Angela Blair to launch a new line of jewelry products called, Warrior Collections, in Honor of our nation's fallen troops, and Chris Kyle's Legacy. But rather than have a Memorial Day Sale like most stores have, Taya and Angela are Launching an important campaign to remember and talk about our fallen heroes especially on this Memorial Day Weekend.

Segment #5: The Last Sip: Wokeness Out of Control in Oregon!

Segment #6: JTN News Editor, Joseph Weber breaks down the January 6th Commission Vote from earlier today.


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