The Water Cooler with David Brody


In the February 24, 2021 Episode 34 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Executive Director of the ACLJ, Jordan Sekulow says Nancy Pelosi's January 6th commission is a, "witch hunt" and a political, "set-up." 

Segment #2: Editor-In-Chief of War Room and Former GOP National Spokesperson Liz Harrington talks about how the media can't get rid of President Trump even when he's out of office. 

Segment #3: Donna Rice Hughes, President and CEO of, Enough Is Enough, on the New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo sexual harassment allegation:  "I commend this lady for coming forward...This is the kind of behavior that we cannot allow."

Segment #4: America's Constitution Coach and Founder of, Rick Green says, "We don't live under the Constitution in America right now. We live under the 'Court-stitution'..."

Segment #5: Host of "The Water Cooler", David Brody questions whether or not the Liberal Media will bury the Sexual Harassment Allegations story against New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo.

Segment #6: David Brody brings you today's "Poll of the Day" brought to you by Just The News.