The Water Cooler with David Brody

TODAY: Matt Schlapp says Stefanik's Conservative Voting Record, "has gotten much better," over time

In the May 10, 2021 Episode 85 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: American Conservative Union Chairman, Matt Schlapp says Elise Stefanik's conservative voting record, "has gotten much better," over time. 

Segment #2: Gary Bauer, president of American Values, talks to David Brody on The Water Cooler today about the dangerous, “witches’ brew:” a combination of government overreach, a Covid Crisis and churched not willing to stand up and fight.

Segment #3: Dr. Kelli Ward, Arizona GOP Chairwoman says The Associated Press is, "Fake News" and is "undermining the very fiber of our election." 

Segment #4: Former Congresswoman Nan Hayworth (R-NY) talks to David Brody about Liz Cheney's role as the GOP House Conference Chair and how Cheney is not in step with the GOP base.

Segment #5: The Last Sip: What Happened to Disney?

Segment #6: RAV Correspondent Anna Perez on Black Lives Matter Speech being adopted in Minnesota School District