The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Rick Klein on the "Boiling Point" between Senator Manchin and Progressives

In the June 7, 2021 Episode 104 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: ABC News Political Director Rick Klein talks with David Brody about Senator Manchin’s Opposition to the “For The People Act” and to getting rid of the Filibuster. 

Segment #2: Georgia Gubernatorial Candidate Vernon Jones talks with David Brody about Governor Kemp’s “boo-vation” at this weekend's Georgia Republican Convention.

Segment #3: Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, Dr. Jay Bhattachayra discusses how COVID-19 cases are calculated and why he’s cornered about the process.

Segment #4: Former U.S. Congresswoman (R-N.Y.) Dr. Nan Hayworth talks with David Brody about Trump’s remarks on Critical Race Theory this past weekend.

Segment #5: The Last Sip: The Kamala Harris Cookie

Segment #6: RAV's Anna Perez: Migration Patterns Favor Florida, Texas.