The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Stephen Miller: America's "ethical, religious and moral heritage is Judeo-Christian"

In the June 9, 2021 Episode 106 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: President of America First Legal, Stephen Miller says transgender rights issue threatens cultural & religious fabric of America. Says America's, "ethical, religious and moral heritage is Judeo-Christian..the bedrock of our moral character." 

Segment #2:  Manuel Miranda, Former Counsel to Majority Leader Bill Frist, talks to David Brody about the crisis at our Southern Border and recaps Vice President Kamala Harris’ remarks from the other day. 

Segment #3: Editor-in-Chief of War Room and Former RNC Spokeswoman, Liz Harrington, tells David Brody that she believes America has not seen the last of Trump, and Speaker of the House would not cut it.

Segment #4: Rick Green, Founder of tells David Brody that all eyes should be on the Texas Governor race because it will set the stage for 2022. 

Segment #5: The Last Sip: Cicadas Attack the Media

Segment #6: Just The News' News Editor Joe Weber on Lt. Col Allen West stepping down as Texas GOP Chairman.