The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Vernon Jones calls Biden, "Joe Crow," says, "he's a bigot."

In the April 27, 2021 Episode 76 of Season 2 of The Water Cooler with David Brody:

Segment #1: Historian and New York Times Best Selling author of, "Inside  Trump's White House: The Real Story Of His Presidency" Doug Wead, on President Biden's First 100 Days in office, and how disregarding half of the county is not unity. 

Segment #2: "Joe Crow" instead of, "Jim Crow:" Vernon Jones, GOP Gubernatorial candidate in GA lowers the boom on Joe Biden. 

Segment #3: Inside Election, Editor, Nathan Gonzales talks to David Brody about the 2020 Census Bureau Report and how the GOP should be disappointed if they don't win the U.S. House majority in 2022.

Segment #4:  Distinguished Fellow at the Family Research Council, Ken Blackwell on the left pushing this 'Jim Crow' narrative: "The left, is in fact, creating chaos."

Segment #5: Check out some of the headlines following David Brody's question to Press Secretary Jen Psaki at yesterday's Press Conference regarding Unity in the Biden Administration. 

Segment #6: Anna Perez, Real America's Correspondent, on how democrats language on race may hurt them politically.