The Water Cooler with David Brody

Watch: Battle lines are drawn. It's Liz Cheney vs Donald Trump for GOP

On the May 3rd, 2021, 80th Episode of The Water Cooler:


Segment 1 - Rick Klein - News Director, ABC - Trump draws "Big Lie" line in sand, creates GOP problem for 2022


Segment 2 - Alan Dershowitz - There are 4th Amendment violations in search vs Rudy Giuliani


Segment 3Glenn Youngkin, Candidate for VA Gov - Final week of Primary, making the case for VA First campaign


Segment 4 - Matthew Bunson, Ex. Editor EWTN News - Biden's Catholic faith overshadowed by liberal doctrines


Segment 5 - Last Sip - Caitlyn Jenner surprises liberals? She sides against transgendered girls in sport debate


Segment 6 - Joe Weber, News Editor, Just the News - Battle lines are drawn - Liz Cheney vs Donald Trump for GOP