The Water Cooler with David Brody

The Water Cooler with David Brody

TODAY: House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy: We're going to take back the House in 2022

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Senator Rand Paul (R-K.Y.): Dr Fauci is, "lying to us"

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Fmr. U.S. Senator Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) says Fauci is out to "manipulate and control people"

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Nicholas Ballasy hosts | The Latest on D.C. Statehood & the cost of Biden's jobs plan

The Water Cooler with David Brody

TODAY: Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC): Biden's Afghanistan Move Has Taliban "Licking Their Chops"

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Senator John Thune (R-SD) joins David Brody

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: U.S. Senate Candidate, Kelly Tshibaka (A.K.): Christianity under attack in America.

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: The Mar-a-Lago effect

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Former Texas Governor Rick Perry joins David Brody

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Teresa Mull, Editor of Gunpowder Magazine: Biden Infringing on Second Amendment

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Tomi Lahren, Fox Nation Host: End Game is to "Silence Conservatives"

The Water Cooler with David Brody

Today: Russ Vought says Biden's infrastructure Bill is "not an Infrastructure Bill"

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