Kayleigh McEnany on 'Obamagate': 'A crime was committed'

Updated: October 16, 2024 - 5:19am

<p>White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany is doublingdown and sayingcriminal acts were committed by people within the Obama administration over the investigation of President Trump's former national security adviser,Michael Flynn.</p><p>It is a criminal offense to reveal the identity of private U.S. citizens, such as Flynn, to the press after being unmasked, she told The Pod's Honest Truth host David Brody.</p><p> URL to Embed</p><p> The process of unmasking is when the identity of a U.S. citizen captured on a monitored intelligence communication is then revealed. A recently declassified list of top Obama officials, including former Vice President Joe Biden, shows who had requested Flynn's name to be revealed from his conversations with the Russian ambassador to the U.S. in the final weeks of the Obama administration.</p><p>Flashback: Former NSA director explains unmasking</p><p>"So we know that a crime is committed," McEnany said. "Who did it is the question."</p><p>"Within the Obama administration?" asked Brody.</p><p>"Within the Obama administration. Absolutely," she said. “I mean, there's just so many questions. The DOJ will ultimately provide the answers."</p><p>Last Friday during a White House briefing, McEnany responded to a question by CBS News correspondent Steven Portnoy who asked herto explain Trump’s accusations that the now-discredited Russia collusion probe against him was an Obama scheme, in what has been dubbed "Obamagate."</p><p>When pressed to name a crime, McEnany said the leaking of Flynn's name to the media.She also slammed reporters for lacking "journalistic curiosity" about the leaking,the Democratic National Committee-funded Steele dossier, andthe DNC's involvement in the FISA warrants that were granted to spy on former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page.</p><p>She told Brody it's important to understand the implications of these actions.</p><p>"I think the president is really trying to point out the questions and how unfortunate it was, and unprecedented,to use the words of Attorney General Barr, that a sitting administration would unmask an incoming NSA adviser and leak his identity and that a dossier funded by the Democrats would be used to spy on members of the Trump campaign,”McEnany also said.</p>