Trump advisor defends criticism that president was too slow to respond to coronovirus

Updated: October 10, 2024 - 2:19am

<p>President Donald Trump is fighting back against the public health and economic fallout from the coronavirus pandemic by positioning himself as a proactive leader who took decisive action against the pandemic.</p><p>Marc Lotter, strategic communications for the Donald Trump 2020 presidential campaign, said voters will look to the economy when it comes time to go the polls.</p><p>"The man who built the rocket ship to get us back on that rocket ship, post coronavirus, and that'll be easy choice with President Trump," he told David Brody, host of The Pod's Honest Truth.</p><p> URL to Embed</p><p> However, a recent Pew Research poll shows that nearly two-thirds of Americans say Trump was too slow to take major steps to address the threat, and 66 percent say state governments will lift restrictions on public activity too quickly.</p><p>In early March, Trump said that restrictions he placed Jan. 31 on travel to and from China “saved a lot of lives.” Within hours of Trump's decision, top Democrats and media figures immediately derided the move as unnecessary and xenophobic. Since then critics, have refocused their attacks to such things as cornovirus testing and for how this administration is working with governors to reopen the economy.</p><p>Lotter dismisses the criticism.</p><p>"I think people are going to realize that the way the president handled this was best for our public health and our economic health."</p>