Trump says the goverment has reached a deal with 3M after contentious negotiations

Updated: January 9, 2025 - 10:05pm

<p>President Trump announced Monday that the White House had reached an "very amicable" with 3M for the delivery of an additional "55.5 million high-quality face masks each month."</p><p>Speaking at the White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefing, Trump said 3M would produce a total of 166.5 million masks -- nearly all N95s -- after Trump bashed the company last week.</p><p>"Mostly that's going to be for our front line health care workers," he said.</p><p>The company will make 55.5 million face masks per month, for a total of 166.6 million masks, Trump said at a White House press briefing, calling it a "very amicable agreement."</p><p>3M said in a statement Friday that the Trump administration asked it to stop exporting its U.S.-made respirator masks to Canadian and Latin American markets. The president criticized the company for continuing to sell some masks overseas.</p><p>"The 3M saga ends very happily," he said. "We're very proud now to be dealing with 3M."</p>