Alligator rumored to have been Hitler's dies in Moscow Zoo

The alligator, "Saturn," was born in America.

Published: May 24, 2020 4:39pm

Updated: May 24, 2020 5:31pm

Saturn, an alligator that is rumored to have been Adolf Hitler's pet, died Friday at the Moscow Zoo, at the age of around 84-years-old.

Born in America, the reptile was sent to the Berlin Zoo. It escaped in 1943 when the city was being bombed during World War II. Years later, British soldiers found the creature, and reportedly gave it to the Soviet Union.

"Almost immediately, the myth was born that he was allegedly in the collection of Hitler, and not in the Berlin Zoo," the zoo said according to a Google translation. "However, even if, purely theoretically, he belonged to someone - animals are not involved in war and politics, it is absurd to blame them for human sins," the zoo said.


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