'Buzzkill': Obama joins chorus slamming liberal cancel culture

44th president tells Democrats to "cool down the temperature."

Published: October 16, 2022 1:53pm

Updated: October 16, 2022 9:27pm

Former President Obama says Democrats who endorse and participate in cancel culture are a "buzzkill" and are unnecessarily making people "walk on eggshells."

The 44th president was on the Pod Save America podcast where he stated that some of his fellow Democrats need to "cool down the temperature" with cancel culture.

"Sometimes Democrats are [buzzkills]. Sometimes people just want to not feel as if they are walking on eggshells, and they want some acknowledgment that life is messy and that all of us, at any given moment, can say things the wrong way, make mistakes," Obama said on the podcast. 

Obama also said on the podcast that he made mistakes growing up, and that people need room to grow and change. 

"I used to get into trouble whenever, as you guys know well, whenever I got a little too professorial and, you know, started … when I was behind the podium as opposed to when I was in a crowd, there were times where I'd get, you know, sound like I was giving a bunch of policy gobbledygook," Obama continued. 

"That's not how people think about these issues," he noted, according to the Daily Mail. They think about them in terms of the life I'm leading day to day. How does politics, how is it even relevant to the things that I care the most deeply about?"

According to the Daily Mail, Obama is going to be spending time supporting and endorsing fellow Democrats for the upcoming midterm elections in states such as Georgia and Wisconsin.  

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