After harrowing escape, survivor of Oct. 7 Hamas attacks faces death threats and doxxing in US

Sanandaji said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show that her phone number was posted on a website, which led to threats.

Published: April 28, 2024 2:03am

Updated: April 28, 2024 2:04am

While Natalie Sanandaji escaped the brutal Oct. 7 attack during the Israeli music festival, she is now dealing with doxxing and death threats from pro-Palestinian supporters. 

Earlier this week, Sanandaji announced that she had her personal information leaked in an unnamed Telegram group.

"Since surviving the Oct 7 terrorist attack at the Nova festival I have made it my life’s mission to speak out against Hamas and be a voice for all those who no longer have a voice since that horrific day, all those who were murdered and taken hostage," she wrote on the social media platform, X. "This photo is just one of many examples of people trying to silence me. But I won’t stay silent."

Sanandaji said on the "Just the News, No Noise" TV show that her phone number was posted on a website also. 

"My number was posted on a website and I was getting hundreds of texts and phone calls a day," she said Thursday. "Most of these texts were just hate speech saying, 'we're gonna kill you.' They were sending me photos of guns, knives, random street corners......saying 'we're near your house. We're coming for you.'"

She said that she has had to get in touch with the police and file reports for her safety.

Ever since surviving the Oct. 7 attack, Sanandaji has been outspoken about her pro-Israel views and against Hamas. She said she believes her views have gotten her shadow banned from Instagram. 

"I've noticed that I am shadow banned on Instagram and that anytime I'm sharing something about what I've been through, I don't get that many views," she said. "That's their way of trying to silence me if they can't scare me into not talking. They're going to get me shadow banned, and it's working and it's unfortunate."

Over the past few weeks, anti-Israel protests have popped up all over college campuses, specifically at Columbia University where classes were moved online to protect Jewish students from physical violence. This week Sahar Tartak, editor-in-chief of the Yale Free Press, and a student at Yale told CBS that she was assaulted Saturday night while covering demonstrations on the campus in New Haven, Connecticut. Tartak believes she was targeted for wearing Jewish attire. 

"Jewish students are escorting each other to class so that nobody's walking alone," Sanandaji said. "It's so insane to me that that's a necessary thing that they have to do. But their lives are in danger."

On Tuesday, roughly 100 people, students and others, were arrested by the New York Police Department after refusing to dismantle their “Gaza Solidarity Encampment."

Sanandaji, who is of Israeli and Iranian descent and was raised in New York, said that many of these protesters don't understand what is going on in the war and have been brainwashed. 

"It's so clear to me that all these people on college campuses do not understand what they're talking about," she said. "They don't understand what they're fighting for or supporting. It's very upsetting. And it's very unfortunate to see how many people are so brainwashed and that they've taken that brainwash to the point where they're hating a group of people."

She said that she wouldn't be surprised if major donors to these Ivy League schools have second thoughts about donating to the schools due to these protests. 

"There are a lot of donors that are pulling out and I think that's the right thing to do in the meantime," she said.

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