Comer to hold Wray in contempt, says FBI still investigating Biden bribery claim 3 years later

Comer said, "The investigation is not dead. This is only the beginning."

Published: June 5, 2023 1:40pm

Updated: June 5, 2023 8:48pm

House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said Monday he will bring contempt charges against FBI Director Christopher Wray as early as Thursday after he was allowed to examine -- but not keep -- an June 2020 informant memo alleging Joe Biden was involved in a foreign bribery scheme as vice president.

Comer said the bureau told him the allegation came from a trusted informant, has not been disproven and remains under investigative three years after it was first made.

"Today, FBI officials confirmed that the unclassified, FBI-generated record has not been disproven and stated several times the information contained within it is currently being used in an ongoing investigation," Comer said. "The confidential human source who provided information about then-Vice President Biden being involved in a criminal bribery scheme is a trusted, highly credible informant who has been used by the FBI for years. 

Comer said though the FBI showed him the memo, it was not in compliance with his subpoena because he was not allowed to keep it. “At the briefing, the FBI again refused to hand over the unclassified record to the custody of the House Oversight Committee and we will now initiate contempt of Congress proceedings," he said. 

"Given the severity and complexity of the allegations contained within this record, Congress must investigate further. Americans have lost trust in the FBI’s ability to enforce the law impartially and demand answers, transparency, and accountability. The Oversight Committee must follow the facts for the American people and ensure the federal government is held accountable," he added.

He will start the process of bringing congressional contempt charges against FBI Director Christopher Wray, despite viewing the subpoenaed document that day that alleged Joe Biden was involved in a bribery scheme.

The contempt hearings against Wray will begin as early as Thursday, he added.

Comer had subpoenaed the FBI for a informant form allegedly describing then-Vice President Biden being involved in a $5 million pay-to-play criminal scheme with a foreign national.

The FBI said Comer could review the document at its headquarters but later said he could physically view it on Capitol Hill. Even with the accommodation, Comer said the FBI is still not complying with his subpoena to turn the document over to the committee.

Madeleine Hubbard is an international correspondent for Just the News. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram.

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