Ex-DHS Disinformation Czar Jankowicz says will comply with GOP subpoena

Jordan said she refused multiple requests to voluntarily testify.

Published: March 8, 2023 9:03am

Updated: March 8, 2023 10:02am

The leader of the now-disbanded Department of Homeland Security disinformation board says she'll comply with a House Judiciary Committee subpoena to testify. 

The agency's Disinformation Governance Board ran into trouble soon after it was formed, after the discovery of a social media post in which the leader, Director Nina Jankowicz, is seen and heard singing a "Mary Poppins" song that suggested an anti-conservative bias.

The board was eventually disbanded about four months after its formation – amid outcry over Jankowicz in charge and other issues including what exactly was its mission.

"I will happily testify to the truth of the Board under oath: That it was a working group meant to address disinformation that endangered Americans’ safety, and that – because of the Republican Party’s irresponsible lies about it – our democracy is less secure," Jankowicz tweeted Monday.

Committee Chairman Rep. Jim Jordan issued subpoenas to Jankowicz and other Biden administration officials as part of the GOP's investigation of what he calls the "weaponization" of the federal government.

"The fundamental fact is when you have a federal agency, which thinks it can be the arbiter of what you can say what you can't say, when it can decide what's appropriate speech, what isn't, that is not how the First Amendment works," Jordan, an Ohio Republican, said Tuesday on the "John Solomon Reports" podcast. "In fact, it's a direct violation, direct attack on the First Amendment."

Jordan said she refused multiple requests to voluntarily testify to Congress.

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