Jim Jordan on subpoena of ex-head of Disinformation Board: ‘We want to know how this whole thing was conceived’

Jim Jordan.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan discusses unearthing of J6 video footage and his issuance of subpoenas on Monday to the former Disinformation Governance Board head Nina Jankowicz, as part of the GOP's ongoing efforts to investigate the "weaponization" of the federal government and find out “how this whole whole thing was conceived. Who put it together? Who were the players? When did they decide to do this, who was involved? What the agencies that may have been involved in it, the fundamental fact is when you have a federal agency, which thinks it can be the arbiter of what you can say what you can't say, when it can decide what's appropriate speech, what isn't. That is not how the First Amendment works. In fact, it's a direct violation, direct attack on the First Amendment. And yet the Biden administration was going to implement this and would have done so but for the outcry we all had.” Jordan going on to say that, “those of us who believe in the First Amendment, that they heard from the American people, so we want to talk to [Nina Jankowicz] about how this whole concept was put into motion.”

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