Statement from Just the News Editor John Solomon regarding Burisma evidence released by Congress 

Congress recently released a document purporting to show questions I sent to Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky and answers he purportedly sent back.

Published: October 5, 2023 4:11pm

Statement released Thursday by Just the News Editor in Chief John Solomon regarding questions raised by Congress about evidence in the Hunter Biden probe involving Burisma Holdings:

"I recently learned that members of Congress have released a document purporting to show questions I sent to Burisma Holdings owner Mykola Zlochevsky and answers he purportedly sent back. My lawyer was contacted by Congress asking me for information related to this document. As a journalist concerned about accuracy I am releasing the following statement to help inform both Congress and the public about this matter.

"In June 2019 in an effort to secure fair comment from Burisma and Mr. Zlochevsky concerning columns I had written for The Hill and a book I was writing, I submitted a series of questions to Mr. Zlochevsky and Burisma. These questions were submitted through multiple channels. One of those channels was a Ukrainian-American named Lev Parnas, who worked as a volunteer facilitator and translator for me at The Hill and my book for interviews I conducted in Ukraine in 2019.

"Through one of the channels a set of answers was submitted back to me. In double-checking, we determined that the answers had not come from Mr. Zlochevsky. Mr. Parnas was among those who confirmed for me the answers were not authorized by Burisma or its owner. My notes from my book research state: ""Lev says answers sent to him were fakes. Burisma agrees. Do not publish."

"Unable to authenticate their origins, we did not report on the answers. 

"I hope this information is helpful to Congress and the public in evaluating some of the information recently released."

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