Giuliani says FBI agents declined to take Hunter Biden's hard drives

"Hunter Biden's hard drives fall within the scope of the subpoena. The subpoena required them to take all electronics, but they decided to leave that behind," Giuliani said.

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Published: April 29, 2021 8:02pm

Updated: April 30, 2021 1:03pm

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani during an interview on Thursday said that FBI agents who searched his home this week declined to take Hunter Biden's hard drives.

Giuliani said that seven FBI agents showed up early Wednesday morning with a warrant for electronics. He said when he asked them if they wanted to take Hunter Biden's hard drives, they declined.

"Hunter Biden's hard drives fall within the scope of the subpoena. The subpoena required them to take all electronics, but they decided to leave that behind. And they also were completely content to rely on my word that these were Hunter Biden's hard drives," the former mayor told conservative commentator Tucker Carlson during an interview on the Fox News Channel.

Giuliani described the warrant as "completely illegal," saying that the only way authorities can obtain a search warrant is if they can demonstrate that the individual will destroy or abscond with the evidence.

"Well I've had it for two years and I haven't destroyed it. And they also got it from the iCloud," he said, adding that the warrant was unjustified, unlawful and unconstitutional.

Giuliani said that he has "never, ever represented a foreign national."

"The search warrant is purportedly based on one single failure to file for representing a Ukrainian national or official that I never represented," he said. Giuliani stated that he "never represented a Ukrainian national or official before the United States government. I've declined it several times. I've had contracts in countries like Ukraine. In the contract is a clause that says I will not engage in lobbying or foreign representation. I don't do it because I felt it would be too compromising," he said.

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